Source code for desdeo_problem.problem.Constraint

"""Module for problem constraint definition related classes and functions.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from os import path
from typing import Callable, List

import numpy as np

[docs]class ConstraintError(Exception): """Raised when an error related to the Constraint class in encountered."""
[docs]class ConstraintBase(ABC): """Base class for constraints."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray, objective_vector: np.ndarray) -> float: """Evaluate the constraint functions. This function will evaluate constraints and return a float indicating how severely the constraint has been broken. Arguments: decision_vector (np.ndarray): A decision_vector containing the decision variable values. objective_vector (np.ndarray): A decision_vector containing the objective function values. Returns: float: A float representing how and if the constraint has been violated. A positive value represents no violation and a negative value represents a violation. The absolute value of the returned float functions as an indicator of the severity of the violation (or how well the constraint holds, if the returned value of positive). """ pass
[docs]class ScalarConstraint(ConstraintBase): """A simple scalar constraint that evaluates to a single scalar. Arguments: name (str): Name of the constraint. n_decision_vars (int): Number of decision variables present in the constraint. n_objective_funs (int): Number of objective functions present in the constraint. evaluator (Callable): A callable to evaluate the constraint. Attributes: __name (str): Name of the constraint. __n_decision_vars (int): Number of decision variables present in the constraint. __n_objective_funs (int): Number of objective functions present in the constraint. __evaluator (Callable): A callable to evaluate the constraint. """ def __init__( self, name: str, n_decision_vars: int, n_objective_funs: int, evaluator: Callable, ) -> None: self.__name: str = name self.__n_decision_vars: int = n_decision_vars self.__n_objective_funs: int = n_objective_funs self.__evaluator: Callable = evaluator @property def name(self) -> str: """Property: name Returns: str: Name of the constraint """ return self.__name @property def n_decision_vars(self) -> int: """Property: number of decision variables Returns: int: Number of decision variables """ return self.__n_decision_vars @property def n_objective_funs(self) -> int: """Property: number of objective functions Returns: int: Number of objective functions """ return self.__n_objective_funs @property def evaluator(self) -> Callable: """Property: constraint evaluator callable Returns: Callable: A callable to evaluate the constraint. """ return self.__evaluator
[docs] def evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray, objective_vector: np.ndarray) -> float: """Evaluate the constraint. This evaluates the constraint and return a float indicating how and if the constraint was violated. A negative value indicates a violation and a positive value indicates a non-violation. Arguments: decision_vector (np.ndarray): A decision_vector containing the values of the decision variables. objective_vector (np.ndarray): A decision_vector containing the values of the objective functions. Returns: float: A float indicating how the constraint holds. Raises: ConstraintError: When something goes wrong evaluating the constraint or the objectives and decision vectors are of wrong shape. """ if not isinstance(decision_vector, np.ndarray): raise ConstraintError("Decision vector needs to be numpy array") if not isinstance(objective_vector, np.ndarray): raise ConstraintError("Objective vector needs to be numpy array") decision_l = len(decision_vector) if decision_vector.ndim == 1 else decision_vector.shape[1] if decision_l != self.__n_decision_vars: msg = ("Decision decision_vector {} is of wrong lenght: " "Should be {}, but is {}").format( decision_vector, self.__n_decision_vars, decision_l ) raise ConstraintError(msg) objective_l = len(objective_vector) if objective_vector.ndim == 1 else objective_vector.shape[1] if objective_l != self.__n_objective_funs: msg = ("Objective decision_vector {} is of wrong lenght:" " Should be {}, but is {}").format( objective_vector, self.__n_objective_funs, objective_l ) raise ConstraintError(msg) try: result = self.__evaluator(decision_vector, objective_vector) except (TypeError, IndexError) as e: msg = ("Bad arguments {} and {} supplied to the evaluator:" " {}").format( str(decision_vector), objective_vector, str(e) ) raise ConstraintError(msg) return result
supported_operators: List[str] = ["==", "<", ">"] """List[str]: Shows the operators supported in the constraint_function_factory."""
[docs]def constraint_function_factory(lhs: Callable, rhs: float, operator: str) -> Callable: """A function that creates an evaluator. This function creates an evaluator to be used with the ScalarConstraint class. Constraints should be formulated in a way where all the mathematical expression are on the left hand side, and the constants on the right hand side. Arguments: lhs (Callable): The left hand side of the constraint. Should be a callable function representing a mathematical expression. rhs (float): The right hand side of a constraint. Represents the right hand side of the constraint. operator (str): The kind of constraint. Can be '==', '<', '>'. Returns: Callable: A function that can be called to evaluate the rhs and which returns representing how the constraint is obeyed. A negative value represent a violation of the constraint and a positive value an agreement with the constraint. The absolute value of the float is a direct indicator how the constraint is violated/agdreed with. Raises: ValueError: The supplied operator is not supported. """ if operator not in supported_operators: msg = "The operator {} supplied is not supported.".format(operator) raise ValueError(msg) if operator == "==": def equals(decision_vector: np.ndarray, objective_vector: np.ndarray) -> float: return -abs(lhs(decision_vector, objective_vector) - rhs) return equals elif operator == "<": def lt(decision_vector: np.ndarray, objective_vector: np.ndarray) -> float: return rhs - lhs(decision_vector, objective_vector) return lt elif operator == ">": def gt(decision_vector: np.ndarray, objective_vector: np.ndarray) -> float: return lhs(decision_vector, objective_vector) - rhs return gt else: # if for some reason a bad operator falls through msg = "Bad operator argument supplied: {}".format(operator) raise ValueError(msg)